Friday, January 27, 2017

#StrongerTogether ! Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's Press Conference with a Focus on the Affordable Care Act

Focused read in 10 minutes

 Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi surrounded by health care workers from various states...

(January 25th) Congresswoman Pelosi's Press Conference Excerpts, with a Focus on the Affordable Care Act & a Broader Q & A with Reporters...

"Leader Pelosi.  Good morning, everyone.

I think we could all agree that few people have a more intimate understanding of the stakes of the healthcare debate and people’s lives than America’s nurses.  As Republicans forge ahead with their plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act and Make America Sick Again, it is my privilege to be joined by nurses from across the country who stand on the front lines of America’s health care.  They’re here to share their stories, stories that show exactly what’s at stake if Republicans succeed in destroying the Affordable Care Act in America.

It is my honor to welcome Vicki Gonzalez of Miami, Florida, Michael Collins of Las Vegas, Nevada, Cathy Stoddart of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Dian Palmer of Milwaukee, Wisconsin...

When we passed the Affordable Care Act, the nurses across the country were an important part of our pushing open that gate that was a barrier to passing the bill.  I thank you for that....

Vicki, thank you for making it clear how much more expensive emergency care will be...

Michael, that every one of your patients has a preexisting condition...

Cathy, talking about her personal story as well as her professional experience with a preexisting condition and the cost and the debilitating impact it can have on a family to have a preexisting condition and not have the health insurance that they should have.  Thank you for that, Cathy, and thank you for emphasizing Medicaid, because that is so important to the Affordable Care Act.

People don’t understand that Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act are now wedded together.  If you overturn and repeal the Affordable Care Act, you have a negative impact on Medicaid at a time when people need it more than ever...  

The power of the stories that you have told is multiplied by the statistics and the facts, the facts, the real true facts.  Last week – don’t take it from me – the facts coming from the Congressional Budget Office, whose Director is appointed by a Republican Speaker, stated that repealing the ACA will double premiums for Americans in the individual market by 2026, would increase the number of uninsured by 18 million people in the first year of enactment, and surge to 32 million people by 2026, the Congressional Budget Office.

And now you mentioned the situation with hospitals. Hospitals will also be devastated, Michael talked about this, by ACA repeal, because they would be left with uncompensated care to the tune of billions of dollars.  You know, hospitals are the one entity where you have to provide care if someone comes in even if you are not compensated for it, and the Affordable Care Act addressed that, creating jobs and opportunity in areas.

...narrow access, increased cost, and reduced benefits cut jobs and increase the deficit.  Repeal would kill nearly 3 million jobs, not only in health care, but in every sector affected, from construction, to real estate, to retail.

...Last Friday, January 20, we saw the peaceful transfer of power, inaugurating a new President. The next morning, America awakened to a peaceful show of power where women across the country, indeed across the world, turned out in the millions in crowds that dwarfed the Inaugural crowd.  In the days after, the President and the Republican Congress launched a major assault on women’s access to comprehensive health care not only here in America, but around the world.

On Monday, the Trump administration reinstated the global gag rule that silences even the discussion of women’s reproductive choices. Yesterday, House Republicans passed and expanded an even more dangerous version of the Hyde Amendment that would restrict how women with private insurance can spend their private dollars in purchasing health coverage.

So here we are.  

...And, back to the March, no longer will being a woman be a preexisting medical condition.

The American people are waking up to the nightmare of what Republicans have planned for the healthcare of women, seniors, and working families.  Democrats will stand our ground to defend the Affordable Care Act because we believe, I think we can all attest that we believe that health care in America is a right for everyone, not just for the privileged few.

I thank again the nurses for joining us today and for your leadership in caring for America.  The testimony that you bring is intimate, it’s personal, it has policy ramifications.  You help us make the case, and we are very grateful to you for that.  Thank you so much.  Thank you all.

You may want to step aside when I have to take questions on some other subjects.  But, first, let us again, I thank you for coming.

I would like to confine the questions first to the subject at hand.

Yes, ma’am.

Q: ...yesterday Senators Cassidy and Collins put out a plan for replacing Obamacare, the Patient Freedom Act 2017, and in that they even say that the States could keep the Obamacare exchanges if they want to.  Also Rand Paul has put out a plan to replace Obamacare, and I keep hearing that there is no plan to replace it.  Do you stand by that? 

Leader Pelosi. Well, in other words, what others have said on the Republican side of the aisle is that – I believe even the chairman of the Health Committee, Chairman Alexander – that they really can’t act unless they see something from the President of the United States, his proposal.  So while individuals may have some suggestions, we have to see what is their proposal.

... there are a lot of things out there. I don’t know who is speaking for what.  But even the chairman of their committee has said that they want to see something from the President.

Yes, ma’am?

Q: ...Donald Trump this morning tweeted that he is going to be calling for a major investigation into voter fraud.  What is your reaction to that? 

Leader Pelosi. You know, there is no evidence to support what the President has said, and I think we made that really clear to him in our conversations with him.  But I am very pleased that our colleagues, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Clyburn... 

And Brady, the ranking member on the House Administration Committee, three leaders in the Congress, have sent a letter to all of the attorneys general across the country, any place that votes for the President, including the District of Columbia, and saying, give us the names of anyone that you suspect is guilty of voter fraud.

...For a person who is the newly-elected President of the United States to be so insecure as to declare that he is now the President and he is ensconced in the White House and he is saying, “I won the popular vote and 3 to 5 million Americans voted illegally in our country,” to suggest and to undermine the integrity of our voting system is really strange.

But in addition to that, on top of it, he wants to investigate something that can clearly be proven to be false, but he resists any investigation of the Russian disruption of our election and any connection to his campaign.

All we want is the truth for the American people.  I, frankly, feel very sad about the President making this claim.  I felt sorry for him.  I even prayed for him.  But then I prayed for the United States of America.

Any other questions?  Yes, ma’am?

Q: What is your response to the anticipated executive orders from President Trump on immigration and refugee resettlement? 

Leader Pelosi. Well, we haven’t seen actually everything that he is going to do.  I understand he is going to the Department of Homeland Security today, and we will see some of – we have heard rumors of what he might say, but I have always opposed any policy that excluded people on the basis of their religion....

Yes, ma’am?

Q: ...are there divisions among Democrats right now between people calling on leadership to work as well as they can with Republicans versus people pushing Democratic leadership to be more liberal, especially after the losses that the party took?

Leader Pelosi. No.  No, there is not a division. No.  We have said if the Republicans – obviously we pledged to the American people a responsibility to find common ground with the Republicans, as we did with President Bush...  

We stand ready to do that.  If they want to have a real infrastructure proposal, not a tax break for wealthy people disguised as an infrastructure proposal, they want to talk about home and family, family and work balance, which they spoke about in the campaign, we look forward to working with them, as I said in the opening day gavel speech as I gave the gavel to Speaker Ryan, and other issues where we might find common ground.

But when we don’t find common ground, we will stand our ground.  On the Affordable Care Act, we are standing our ground.  But there is no division, no.


Q: On President Trump’s announcement to freeze Federal hiring, do Democrats have a plan to fight that?  And specifically, how does it affect the VA?  Because I know that lawmakers have been working on a bipartisan level to staff that agency up. 

Leader Pelosi. Yes.  The freeze on hiring, which was really unfortunate, because what that is, is to say we don’t believe in the government role to meet the needs of the American people.  So when they attack the workers, they are attacking what they do, making sure people get their Social Security checks, meeting the needs of our veterans, Medicare, the list goes on and on.

And so when they did this freeze, they said we exempt national security, but that did not include veterans...

But it’s always been part of their kind of agenda to say we want to reduce the Federal workforce so we can privatize a lot of the services, then we don’t have to honor any value of diversity or worker’s rights and the rest of that.

So I think that they will see some bipartisan opposition to what they are doing, because many Federal employees work in the districts of Republicans as well as Democrats.  But this is an assault on doing our job for the American people, but it is not any surprise.

Yes, ma’am?

Q: ...back to H.R. 7, what do you say to your Catholic constituents who may be relieved to no longer know that their tax dollars will go to fund abortions? 

Leader Pelosi. ...There has not been taxpayer dollars spent on abortions.  You know that.  So this is fraudulent, it’s fraudulent.  And what they’re doing is making it more dangerous so that people can’t spend their own dollars in the exchanges to have access to reproductive rights.  So we will fight that, and my constituents support that.


Q: ...on these gag orders that have been issued to the EPA in terms of it speaking to media, but also the withdrawal of some climate references, taking down the climate change pages on the EPA site, are you aware of these actions that are going on in the administration, and what can Democrats do about it? 

Leader Pelosi. Well, what can the American people do about it, you know?  We have said and I said in my opening day speech here, if you want to silence our voices for commonsense gun violence prevention, we will fight that.  You cannot silence people’s voices.  And it is a deterioration of intellectual resources to prevent information to flow.  That’s what has made America great, that we have open, we listen to ideas, we exchange them.  And any country that doesn’t does so to their own detriment.

So I would hope that the press would be a very important part of calling out how unfair this is to even have information available to the press, because I do believe, although we don’t always agree on your coverage, as President Obama said, that the true guardian of our democracy is the freedom of the press that is in the First Amendment.  That is the most important freedom, because that says we can speak, people will know truth, truth and freedom.  Truth will set us free.  And so what they are doing should be just appalling to people if they knew about it, but they shouldn’t be doing that.

Q: Do Democrats intend to send a letter to the administration or otherwise…

Leader Pelosi. Well, we’ll see what we’ll do.  I mean, do you think they care about a letter?  I think it’s more about public sentiment.  As Abraham Lincoln said, public sentiment is everything.  With it you can do almost everything, without it almost nothing.  So it’s about public sentiment.

They probably wouldn’t even respond to a letter because they don’t want information...we’ve always had sort of a, I don’t want to say tradition, but a standard where you agree to a set of facts or some numbers or a baseline, and then you go from there.  We respect each other’s opinion, we respect the position that some might have, be it more conservative, more progressive.  That is the American way.  But at least when you try to negotiate you’re dealing from a set of facts instead of being in a fact-free zone or whatever they want to call their version of reality.

Q: ...along those lines, you have met the President a couple of times, we have seen a few days of the new administration.  Do you have any new ideas on how you will confront them?  Has your thinking evolved on that at all?

Leader Pelosi. Well, it is interesting because I saw him at the inauguration and we had a chance to chat at the White House coffee or tea, whatever, before we came to the Capitol and talked about how we could find common ground on infrastructure, and I hope that that is the case.  Then the invitation for the leadership to come to the White House and bond, I guess, is probably what it was, was welcome because, again, we don’t have to agree on everything to agree on some things, right?

But it was really quite startling when the President declared that he won the popular vote because 3 to 5 million people voted illegally in our country, which was not fact based and evidence based.  But in addition to that, I had the impression – now, I had the impression that he was saying, Carolyn, that that didn’t even include California.

So, again, we have to stipulate to a set of facts.  If we’re going to talk about infrastructure, if we’re going to talk about child care, if we’re going to talk about early childhood education, we have to stipulate to the facts.

So you can disagree.  What could be worse than the Iraq war?  You can disagree strongly on one subject – what could be worse than privatizing Social Security?  But have agreement on other subjects, and that is what we hope to do with this President.  Because we have that responsibility to find that common ground if we can, to stand our ground if we can’t, but also to just stipulate to a set of facts as we go forward, because if we don’t, there is absolutely no way you can come to an agreement that has legitimacy and is valid for the American people.

Just one more?  One more?  Who shall it be? ...

You can read the transcript in full here

And you can watch the briefing video here

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