Friday, March 3, 2017

#StrongerTogether ! ICYMI! "Why Democratic Women Wore White to Trump’s Address"

Focused Read in 3 minutes


"Why Democratic Women Wore White to Trump’s Address

A group of Democratic women intended to make an impression when they filed into the House chamber Tuesday night for President Donald Trump's address to Congress.

The look they went for: All white.

The move is a nod to the women's suffrage movement, which encouraged followers to dress in white as a symbol of purity. During last year's election, Democrat Hillary Clinton — the first woman to be nominated for president on a major political party's ticket — was known for wearing white pantsuits during key campaign appearances and also wore all white at Trump's presidential inauguration.

… The call to wear white for Trump's speech was devised by the House's Democratic Women's Working Group and will be a symbol of "the ongoing fight to attain equal rights for all women," members said.

"We wear white to unite against any attempts by the Trump Administration to roll back the incredible progress women have made in the last century, and we will continue to support the advancement of all women," Rep. Lois Frankel, D-Fla., the chair of the party's Women's Working Group, said in a statement. … “

You can read more here

( Courtesy of NBC News )

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Curated by Gail Mountain, Network For #StrongerTogether ! is not affiliated with The Democratic Party in any capacity. This is an independent blog and the hope is you will, at a glance, learn more about the Democratic Party and you will, with a click or two, also take action on its behalf as it is provided! You can read more Network For #StrongerTogether posts here:

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