Friday, August 11, 2017

#StrongerTogether ! "circulating in White House: generals, New Yorkers & GOP congressional leaders see selves as an unofficial committee to protect Trump & nation from disaster"

Focused read in 2-3 minutes

"The Committee to Save America (in full)

Here's one of the most intriguing — and consequential — theories circulating inside the White House:

The generals, the New Yorkers and Republican congressional leaders see themselves as an unofficial committee to protect Trump and the nation from disaster.

This loose alliance is informal.

But as one top official told us: "If you see a guy about to stab someone with a knife, you don't need to huddle to decide to grab the knife."

The theory was described to us in a series of private chats with high-ranking officials:

The generals — White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis — speak frequently, see the world similarly and privately express a sense of duty to help steer Trump. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford, is an ally.

The New Yorkers, including economic adviser Gary Cohn and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell (with 25 years of foreign-policy experience), have subsumed some of their personal views to blunt Trump's worst ideas. This crowd is highly skilled at communicating with the president (using visuals and grand positioning) to refine or moderate "America first" provocations. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is also very involved, helping demand a process where POTUS has all the information to make domestic and international economic decisions.

Republican congressional leaders won't win any profiles in courage for standing up to Trump. But almost all could move against the president if special counsel Bob Mueller finds crimes, or the president succumbs to radical instincts.

These officials see their successes mostly in terms of bad decisions prevented, rather than accomplishments chalked up:

They view their main function as getting real facts to the president, and injecting their belief in the importance of alliances and military relationships around the world.

As an example, if Trump had plunged ahead with his thirst for a trade war, the U.S. might not have won China's backing in the U.N. vote last weekend for sanctions against North Korea.

These officials pick their battles, knowing that Trump is going to go ahead with some decisions — like renouncing the Paris climate agreement — no matter what.

And much of what they do is silent. AP reported that Mattis and Kelly, when he was still Secretary of Homeland Security, "agreed in the earliest weeks of Trump's presidency that one of them should remain in the United States at all times to keep tabs on the orders rapidly emerging from the White House."

These officials think Trump deserves a functioning staff, West Wing and process. They say they believe in him, but want the processes in place to give him accurate information and the right options.

Outside critics contend that these aides are rationalizing their role as enablers.

Be smart: One of the biggest dangers to Trump's reign is that if Mueller acts or public support plummets, he suddenly could be lonely in his own White House."

You can see the original story here

( Courtesy of AXIOS )

~ Personal Commentary, read that as "food for thought" or a "brain teaser" for history "geeks":

“The Committee to Save America” The Committee to Save America. The Committee to Save America. I am no paranoid but my brain tends to make connections between what I've learned in the past and what I'm learning today and after reading the piece, I could not get the phraseology out of my mind. Then it came to me: “A state ruled by committee in favor of the Bourgeois” or the “Makers” or the “Robber Barons” or, pick your poison, what ever word you'd like to use to define vulture capitalists, like Trump, who will never cease quests to fill their coffers (one very good reason for a Republic that believes in representative government and regulated capitalism). I can't re-read all of that Marxist gobbledygook I was once assigned to read in a history class, but heads up, consciously or unconsciously, it seems language may be propagandizing us, i.e. making #NotNormal normal.

( if you are really curious you can find the
 "Manifesto of the Communist Party" here )

Focused Thought in 30 seconds


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You can share the AXIO's story's Tweet here


 Direct sources for Democrats:

* ( Personal favored and most informative follows are shared here with the understanding that readers will always apply their own critical thinking to any information provided anywhere by anyone.  #StrongerTogether does not share sources of information lightly but -- no one is perfect! -- so always #DistrustAndVerify I am using a star rating that is strictly based on my situational experience with the work of the media personality specifically in relation to issues of interest to me. )

The Democratic Party Website

The Democratic Party on Facebook

The Democratic Party on Twitter

C-SPAN (a good place for speeches & hearings direct source (s))

 Some of my favorite, most informative
 follows on Twitter include:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ US Intelligence | Author | Navy Senior Chief | NBC/MSNBC
⭐⭐⭐ Federal Government Operations | Vanity Fair | Newsweek | MSNBC Contributor | Author

⭐⭐⭐ Political/Gov. Legal Opinions | MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent | Emmy-winning reporter | Host of The Beat With Ari

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Voting Rights/Voter Suppression | Author | Mother Jones 

 Some of the most credible media -- at the moment:

 Some of the most credible Talking Heads -- at the moment -- and their Twitter handles:

✔ The Beat With Ari on MSNBC

Thank you for Networking for Democrats today!


(Linked) " our 2016 platform...a declaration of how we plan to move America forward. Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls.

It’s a simple but powerful idea: We are stronger together."

You can read the Platform here

 (Remember 2018...)


Curated by Gail Mountain, with occasional personal commentary, Network For #StrongerTogether ! is not affiliated with The Democratic Party in any capacity. This is an independent blog and the hope is you will, at a glance, learn more about the Party and you will, with a click or two, also take action on its behalf as it is provided!

( You can also find me on Twitter at )


Thank you for focusing!

g., aka Democrat

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