Monday, July 2, 2018

Network For #StrongerTogether ! "Hillary: 'What is more uncivil than taking children away?'


Focused Read: Highlights in 3-4 minutes

Hillary Clinton: 'What is more uncivil than taking children away?'

She has made peace with losing the election – but not with Donald Trump. Now she is fighting to undo the damage of the president’s child-separation policy – and has no time for debates over civility

(By Decca Aitkenhead)

When Hillary Clinton made her first public appearance after losing the 2016 election, it was her admission that she had felt like “never leaving the house again” that made headlines.

Twenty months later, other details of the speech seem much more significant. 

That Clinton had left her house to address the Children’s Defense Fund, a child advocacy organisation, said a lot about where the defeated candidate saw her future. 

Her warning about “the little girl I met in Nevada who started to cry when she told me how scared she was that her parents would be taken away from her and be deported”, told us more about her country’s future than we knew. 

But when I quote her words back to her, it’s not the accuracy of her prescience that makes her shudder, but its inadequacy.

“I was hopeful that I wouldn’t see the worst of my fears come true. 

But it has been worse. 

I have to tell you, even I did not believe this would happen.”

… Looking more like her old secretary of state self than the glossy, coiffured version we saw on the campaign trail, she launches straight into the politics of Donald Trump’s already notorious family-separation policy.

Clinton has no doubt that Trump deployed the policy for the strategic purpose of making his wall look like a more palatable option. 

“He is playing to his base – and his base was attracted to him for a number of reasons, one of which was his anti-immigrant rhetoric. And that was exemplified by the wall. So the wall became more of a symbol than a real plan. 

He has now decided that he has to do whatever he can to get the wall, to satisfy the base. And I think,” she adds, “he has gone so far in that direction that he does things which are truly unimaginably cruel and unrelated to the outcome.”

What does she mean by that? “I mean, you do not have to take children away from their parents to negotiate to get what you want on the wall. 

There are enough different strands in the immigration debate that he could give a little somewhere and try to get [something] in return, like you do in a democracy, in a political legislative process. 

But he has chosen instead to be very oppositional to anyone who criticises him, to be very intimidating to everyone in his own party by threatening to unleash his base against them.

 And so he has adopted these all-or-nothing positions.”

Trump called it off, Clinton believes, only because “even for him, the optics were terrible”, but she says that his executive order ending the policy has not even begun to solve the problem. 

“The question of how we reunite the children who were taken from the parents is the one that’s keeping me up at night.”

 Does she worry some may never be reunited? She looks stricken. “Yes, I do. Absolutely I worry about that. I’m worried that some children will not be reunited.

Clinton’s expression grows increasingly bleak as she catalogues the bureaucratic chaos. For a start, many of the children are nonverbal; others don’t speak Spanish, but obscure Mayan languages. And all are confused and traumatised. 

Having been “funnelled through a whole panoply” of Homeland Security agencies notorious for “very poor record keeping and incompetence”, many of which are privately run, some babies have been transported all the way from the border to Detroit and New York. Others have gone to foster care families; some parents have already been deported without their children.

 “You just could not even imagine a worse child-welfare tragedy.”

She tells me she has raised $1.5m in the days before we meet, to “flood the border with lawyers, interpreters, experienced social workers, psychologists. We just have to get as much expertise down there to force the federal government to give us everything.” 

It’s the kind of resource-focused, pragmatic response we would expect from someone with a reputation for technocratic efficiency, so I’m a bit taken aback to see tears fill her eyes.

 When the MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow broke down and wept on air while reporting plans to build “tender age” detention facilities for infants, “didn’t that make you cry?” Clinton challenges me. “Well, I felt exactly the same way.” Dabbing her eyes, she lets rip.

“I mean, you just … who thinks like that? Who does these things? How can anybody look in the mirror? How can they actually live with themselves? 

If you heard about it in some third-world banana republic, you’d say: ‘That’s horrible! Stop it! Who would do that?’ 

Now it’s happening in our country, and it’s just so distressing. 

I think a lot of us keep waiting for the bottom – and it just seems to be bottomless.”

Throughout the presidential campaign, Clinton was criticised for exercising a degree of emotional self-control that looked cold and inauthentic, while Trump’s volatility was taken as evidence that he meant what he said and really cared. 

Lately, however, Democrats have been provoked to condemn the president with a passion some on the left warn is becoming “uncivil”. I’m curious to know what Clinton thinks of this.

“Oh, give me a break,” she erupts, eyes widening into indignation. “Give me a break! What is more uncivil and cruel than taking children away? It should be met with resolve and strength. And if some of that comes across as a little uncivil, well, children’s lives are at stake; their futures are at stake. That is that ridiculous concept of bothsideism.”

 She adopts a mockingly prim voice. “‘Well, you know, somebody made an insulting, profane remark about President Trump, and he separated 2,300 children from their families, that’s both sides, and we should stop being uncivil – oh and, by the way, he should stop separating children.’ 

Give me a break, really,” she growls, rolling her eyes. “I mean, this is a crisis of his making that will damage kids for no good reason at all, and I think everybody should be focused on that until the children are reunited.”

During her day in Swansea with academics and local politicians, she answers questions on everything...The only questions I see floor her concern Melania Trump.

What did Clinton make, I ask, of her public statement about “hating” to see families separated?  “I didn’t know what to make of it.” 

I ask how she interpreted the jacket the first lady wore to visit a child detention centre, bearing the opaque and intriguing slogan: ‘I really don’t care, do u?’ 

Clinton slumps back in her chair, wide eyed, arms spread, defeated by the mystery. “That, I have no idea. I have no idea. I can’t even … I don’t have any idea. I don’t know.”

… She assures me she has made her peace with her defeat. “I’m OK. I’m fine.” But having devoted her whole life to public service, she must still wonder why her country preferred a man memorably surprised to find the presidency “more work” than he had expected. 

I wonder if Americans who found Trump’s leisurely work ethic more relatable now regard Clinton’s resolve to keep going as not so much heroic as weird If she decided to call it a day, I begin to say, no one would blame …

“I would,” she interrupts. “I would blame me. Yes. I would. 

It feels like a duty. It feels like patriotism, and it feels necessary. I’m not going anywhere.”

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 Direct sources for Democrats:

* ( Personal favored and most informative follows are also shared here with the understanding that readers will always apply their own critical thinking to any information provided anywhere by anyone. #StrongerTogether does not share sources of information lightly but -- no one is perfect! -- so always #DistrustAndVerify -- even if it's me. I am using a star rating that is strictly based on my situational experience with the work of the media personality specifically in relation to issues of interest to me. )

The Democratic Party Website

The Democratic Party on Facebook

The Democratic Party on Twitter

Also, NOT exactly a Democratic Party specific source but a good place for to hear and to watch speeches & hearings directly C-SPAN 

→  Some of my favorite, most active organizations -- some existing & some developing to elect Democrats:

Born from conversations between Governor Howard Dean and Secretary Hillary Clinton in the aftermath of the 2016 election, Onward Together was established to lend support to leaders — particularly young leaders — kicking off projects and founding new organizations to fight for our shared progressive values. here

An "organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former U.S. President Barack Obama" here

( * An current story on Organizing For Action )

"Flip States. Restore Democracy" here 

"Connects Democratic Campaigns with volunteers across the country" here 

  Fact checking organizations courtesy of the Society of Professional Journalists 

in alphabetical order...

( You can read more on fact checking here )

  Some of my favorite, most informative
 follows on Twitter include:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ US Intelligence | Author | Navy Senior Chief | NBC/MSNBC
⭐⭐⭐ Federal Government Operations | Vanity Fair | Newsweek | MSNBC Contributor | Author
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Voting Rights/Voter Suppression | Author | Mother Jones 

  Some of my favorite, highly credible media -- at the moment:

πŸ“°πŸ“°πŸ“° Mother Jones

πŸ“°πŸ“°πŸ“°πŸ“° The Washington Post

πŸ“°πŸ“°πŸ“°πŸ“° The New York Times

πŸ’»πŸ’»πŸ’» News And Guts on Facebook

  Some of my favorite Talking Heads -- at the moment -- and their Twitter handles:

πŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“Ί Rachel Maddow on MSNBC

πŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“Ί AM w/Joy Reid on MSNBC

πŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“Ί Chris Cuomo on CNN

πŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“Ί The Beat With Ari on MSNBC

πŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“Ί Individual programs: Velshi Ruhle Co-hosted program: Velshi & Ruhle on MSNBC

πŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“ΊπŸ“Ί Nicolle Wallace On MSNBC

  Some of my favorite media/panelists -- at the moment -- and their Twitter handles:

✅✅✅✅ Joan Walsh national affairs correspondent for The Nation; CNN political contributor

✅✅✅ Heidi Przybyla USA TODAY Senior Political Reporter

✅✅✅ Jennifer Rubin Conservative blogger at @ WashingtonPost's Right Turn, MSNBC contributor

✅✅✅ Natasha Bertrand Staff writer @ TheAtlantic covering national security & the intel community. @ NBCNews/@ MSNBC contributor

 Some of my favorite Democrats to follow on Twitter, not in elected office but proving knowledge & experience are positives & not negatives are:

President Barack Obama

Former First Lady Michelle Obama

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Former Labor Secretary/Today's DNC Chair Tom Perez

Former Attorney General Eric Holder 

( πŸ“Ž Interesting to note: Wallace, a former Republican (or an inactive Republican I believe she calls herself) is new to the job but for right now she has clearly put country over party and  her work on Trump GOP has been credible, IMO... )

...for Networking for Democrats today!

g. (Unapologetic Democrat)

πŸ“Ž Note: I rarely get involved in primary races -- outside of those in my own area. And, unless there is a glaring reason that can not be ignored, I support Democratic Party nominees winning in general elections. 


(Linked) " our 2016 platform...a declaration of how we plan to move America forward. Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls.

It’s a simple but powerful idea: We are stronger together."

You can read the Democratic Platform here

  Focused Monthly Inspiration 

#its2018now )


Curated by Gail Mountain, this blog is often gently edited and/or excerpted for quick reading, with occasional personal commentary in the form of the written word and/or in the form of emphasis noted. Network For #StrongerTogether ! is not affiliated with The Democratic Party in any capacity. This is an independent blog and the hope is you will, at a glance, learn more about the Party and you will, with a click or two, also take action on its behalf as it is provided!

( You can also find me on Twitter 


See the League of Women Voters website:

 Vote411 here 


Thank you for Focusing!

g., aka Focused Democrat

✊ Resisting "Fake News"

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