Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Network for Hillary! "What Millennials have Taught Me" By Hillary Clinton 

A quick morning read & action to share W/friends at a time of your choosing!


Focused Hillary read 3-5 minutes

“Here's what Millennials have Taught Me

By Hillary Clinton 

Sept. 19, 2016

We hear a lot of things about the millennial generation. But too often, the people who are busy trying to define you are the ones who have spent the least time listening to you.

Here's what I have learned: Your generation is the most open, diverse and entrepreneurial generation in our country's history. And if we work together to take on the barriers that are holding you back and unleash your full potential, that won't just improve your lives — it'll make our entire country stronger.   

From the first days of this campaign, you have shared the problems that keep you up at night and the hopes that get you up in the morning. You've reached for the opportunities that come with a college education at the highest rates of any generation in history — but faced ballooning tuition costs and crushing student debt like never before. Many of you entered the workforce during the worst recession since the Great Depression. And you've come of age during two deadly, costly wars in the Middle East.

And yet, despite all these challenges, you've never given up. Not even close.  
Instead, you're leading the way to a brighter future for all of us. You've fought for some of the most important accomplishments in our nation's history, like the Affordable Care Act and marriage equality.

You've come together to challenge our country to protect human rights and strengthen families by fixing a broken immigration system, reforming our criminal justice system and ending the era of mass incarceration. And you've demanded that people of color be able to live their lives without fear of being killed at a routine traffic stop.

And it's nothing short of inspiring. … “

You can read Hillary's piece in full here  

( If you missed her speech addressing some of Millennials economic issues of concern you can watch the video up here )


Focused Hillary thought! 30 seconds


Focused Hillary action to share in 30 seconds

You can share Florida for Hillary's Tweet here

( You can read some of Hillary's Women's Rights & Opportunity thinking here )



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Thank you for Networking for Hillary today!

#ACT #ImWithHer #StrongerTogether #WomenTogether


    It's the final countdown & I'd like to add to the opportunity to read and to share Hillary at a glance the opportunity to donate to OUR WIN ON NOVEMBER 8! From $1 on up. Whatever you are comfortable with. Every little bit helps...TY!

It's easy. Just hit the link here 



Curated by Gail Mountain, Network for Hillary Daily is not affiliated with the official campaign of Hillary Clinton in any capacity. This is an independent pilot blog committed to electing Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States. The hope is that you will, at a glance, learn more about the candidate and that you will, with a click or two, also take action on her behalf daily!

( You can also find me on Twitter at and at GKMTNblogs )



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