Monday, February 6, 2017

#StrongerTogether ! (I've been waiting for this one!) "How '1984' can decode Trump's first 100 days"

Focused read in 3-5 minutes

"How '1984' can decode Trump's first 100 days

By Alexander J. Urbelis

January 31, 2017

... Donald Trump and doublethink

In everything from his Cabinet appointments to the rationale for destabilizing executive orders, President Trump appears to have taken a cue directly from "1984's" fictional ministries, whose purposes are diametrically opposed to their names. Orwell's Ministry of Truth ("Minitrue" in newspeak), for example, had nothing to do with truth but was responsible for the fabrication of historical facts.

In that vein, President Trump has provided us, in the name of security, with a travel ban on immigrants and refugees from countries whose citizens have caused the terrorism deaths of no Americans, while leaving out countries whose citizens have caused the terrorism deaths of thousands of Americans.
He has provided us with Betsy DeVos, a secretary of education nominee who is widely believed to oppose public education, and who promotes the truly Orwellian-sounding concept of "school choice," a plan that seems well-intentioned but which critics complain actually siphons much-needed funds from public to private education institutions.

Andy Pudzer -- named to head the Labor Department, which is charged with promoting and protecting the welfare of wage earners -- has a checkered past with workers' rights and has actually praised the efficiency of robots over humans on account of automatons' inability to take vacation and file discrimination complaints.

And we cannot fail to mention that Scott Pruitt -- nominated to head the Environmental Protection Agency, which has responsibility to protect health and the environment -- as Oklahoma attorney general devoted his office to battling the EPA, actively sought deregulation of air pollution requirements, and spearheaded the attack on Obama's efforts to reduce global warming, the Clean Power Plan.

One week into Trump's presidency, the parallels with "1984" are more than surface-level, and this portends an ominous future for the United States, regardless of your political persuasion. We among all the species are gifted with language, with thought, with the ability to freely express every singular emotion we experience with sincerity and honesty. We have today what Winston and Julia of Orwell's dystopia lost, fought so hard to reclaim, and failed to achieve: free speech.

At once cautionary and foreboding, certain passages of "1984" eloquently remind us to hold onto the ideals of truth and equality, because simple truths that bind us are stronger than complex lies that divide us:

... I sincerely hope that every newly bought copy of "1984" is read through and through, and, as my mother admonished, read again and again, because that novel shows us that what is at stake right now is nothing short of the legitimacy, confidence and honesty of our republic."

You can read the story here  

Focused Thought 15 seconds

 ^^^ Meme courtesy of  the Democratic Party )

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( If you have a story of how the ban has hurt you, you can share that here )


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     (Remember 2018...)


Curated by Gail Mountain, Network For #StrongerTogether ! is not affiliated with The Democratic Party in any capacity. This is an independent blog and the hope is you will, at a glance, learn more about the Democratic Party and you will, with a click or two, also take action on its behalf as it is provided! You can read more Network For #StrongerTogether posts here:

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